Android Asteroid (CZ)
“Android Asteroid is a childhood dream come true. A disease of falling for the cause. Contagious, rolling downtempo groove. Never-ending boogie. Wit in every detail. The action of a heart in each beat. Hypnotic rhythm. Musical medicine-man from the depths of urban jungle. A honeysweet voice in the hourglass. A Native Indian witch doctor dancing ecstatically around a fire. Marlene Dietrich. Lots of smoke. Rap. The whir of engines of a space-funky craft. The crystal clear cracking of old vinyl. The sound. Return to the future. A sonic print left behind. The legacy. A message in a bottle, launched into Space.”
Such is the emotional, descriptive specification of the music from the album that was released earlier this year and christened on the band’s first public outing. Courtesy also dictates to mention the names of the artists, as they are a traditional all-stars team: Jan Pospíšil – rap, Tomáš Konůpka – percussion and samples, Annamaria d’Almeida – vocals, Lukáš Martinek – guitar, Josef Fečo – bass, Viliam Béreš – keyboards, Jan Steinsdorfer – synthesizer, Miloš Dvořáček – percussion, and Hedvika Jouzová – harp.