Bellamy Moon (CZ/UK)
The music of Bellamy Moon, a Czech-British band, could perhaps be characterized as dreamy pop with touches of soul, jazz, and traditional rock ’n’ roll. It is dominated by vocals performed by the Heřmánková sisters, Karolína and Kristýna, as well as by the lyrics rendered in English, Czech and French. The vocalists are building on the instrumental foundations of the experienced musicians who have performed in bands like Lety mimo, Zátory and Jižní pól.
The formation of the band started in 2007 in the jazz jam sessions of the drummer Jakub Geisler and the pianist Václav Šnýdr. When Tomáš Vodňanský (guitar) and Karolína Heřmánková with her soul-esque voice joined the band, the music started to change towards the face it has today. Who last joined the band was Kristýna Heřmánková and the bassist and sound engineer Peter J. Charlton, an Englishman permanently residing in the Czech Republic.